Gardening Tip – Leftover Brewed Coffee

Howdy Friends,

So you have brewed a pot of coffee and wondering what to do with leftover coffee, Recently in one of the chat with friends about gardening. I found out that they are actively using  brewed coffee in their garden and containers. Following are some ways

  • Feed coffee to acid loving plants like Gardenia, Azaleas
  • Use as compost additive
  • Helps in controlling white flies

and soon that place will smell like coffee 🙂

Things to note for those who are excited to use these tips,  do not use coffee with sugar, cream or milk in it. Keep in mind plants don’t like hot strong coffee like you.Dilute coffee in ratio of 1 cup coffee : 1 and half cup of water.

I am not a coffee fan but I do share my green tea/tea bags  with my plants and planning to steal some sips from my husband’s brewed coffee .  Sharing is good isn’t !

Do share your experience if you use these tips , let’s learn from each other.

Happy Gardening!