10 steps for waterwise garden

Hello Gardeners, today I am listing 10 habits to be followed for water-wise gardening.

  • Plan your garden wisely with native plants and understanding of weather specially average rainfall.
  • Use rain barrels to collect and store water. Rain harvest is another techniques for using rain water in your garden
  • Water deeply instead of often
  • Add plenty of organic matter in your soil
  • Spread mulch which helps in managing the humidity and control the weeds
  • Control weeds , they are unwanted and consume water
  • Water in early evening so most of the water gets to the ground instead of getting evaporated
  • Group plants with their water needs, this way condition like over and under watering is controlled
  • Use drip irrigation/Sprinklers ! if you can
  • Turfgrass is a water thirsty grass use some other native substitute which help in managing the ecosystem

Be creative with your garden design with the use of native plants, vines, shrubs and tree shows your care for environment as it helps everyone.

Share with your gardener friends, let’s care about our environment and add our small contribution.

Happy Gardening!